
台灣發育生物學會 2024 國際研討會 開始報名!

Date:2024-07-18 研討會



一年一度的台灣發育生物學會 2024 國際研討會 於今7/15(一)開始報名啦!歡迎踴躍參加!


今年台灣發育生物學會2024國際研討會將於本(113)年11/15-16二天假國家衛生研究院舉辦。本次會議邀請國外知名專家學者擔任主要講者,包含美國哈佛大學醫學院Shiaulou Yuan教授與日本理化學研究所Adrian Walton Moore教授,此外也邀請國內許多研究機構之學界頂尖研究者擔任講員:中研院基因體科學研究所新任所長 李志浩教授、長庚大學 楊淑元老師、陽明交通大學 翁雨蕙老師、慈濟大學 林明德老師







報名期限:7/15 - 10/15

口頭摘要投稿:7/15 - 9/15

壁報摘要投稿:7/15 - 10/15

口頭+壁報摘要投稿:7/15 - 9/15







Dear TSDB members,  


The 2024 International Conference of the Taiwan Society of Developmental Biology will be held at the National Health Research Institutes on November 15-16th, 2024. Registration is open now! We welcome and encourage you and your trainees to register and share their research work!



This year, we have invited outstanding foreign and local speakers whose research covers diverse topics. Keynote speakers include Professor Shiaulou Yuan from Harvard Medical School and Professor Adrian Walton Moore from RIKEN. Plenary speakers include the Director/Professor Chih-Hao Lee from Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, Professor Shu Yuan Yang from Chang Gung University, Professor Yu-Hui Wong from National Yang-Ming-Chiao-Tung University, and  Professor Ming-Der Lin from Tzu Chi University. 


Please encourage your trainees to participate and present their work. The best poster and oral presentations will be awarded with certificates and cash prizes. We look forward to seeing you all in November!    


Important schedule:


Registration period: 7/15 - 10/15

Oral abstract submission: 7/15 - 9/15

Poster abstract submission: 7/15 - 10/15

Oral + poster abstract submission: 7/15 - 9/15



For detailed information, please visit the society’s registration website: