Annual meeting

2024 International Conference of Taiwan Society of Developmental Biology

Date:2024/11/15 ~2024/11/16

Organizer:National Health Reasearch Institutes、Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology

Co-organizers:National Science and Technology Council、Institute of Molecular Biology Academia Sinica

Venue:International Conference Room, National Health Reasearch Institutes

Important Date

Abstract Submission Deadline
Oral:2024/09/30 (Mon)
Poster:2024/10/15 (Tue)

大會公告 Announcement:

台灣發育生物學會 2024 國際研討會 7/15開始報名,歡迎踴躍參加!


 *** 為享有報名優惠與學會其他福利,敬請非會員於報名前事先加入學會會員,舊會員繳交年度會費,以維持有效會員身分,相關會費請參考TSDB學會官網***


TSDB 學生會員 : 300元

TSDB 一般會員(非學生) :  800元








  1. 需先報名今年年會
  2. 影像規格 (大小<10Mb, 解析度>300dpi)
  3. 影像檔名: Biological Image Competition-作者姓名(僅接受TIFF, JPG, PNG)
  4. 請附上簡短介紹文Word檔(影像作品名稱+100英文字內介紹文)
  5. 將3、4文件放入文件夾(請以Biological Image Competition-XXX命名)並上傳至學會google drive (已截止)


  1. 需注意所有文件、影像及文件夾人名需與報名使用名稱相同,否則將審核失敗
  2. 上傳截止日為10/15(二)


住宿資訊 : (已截止)








1. 搭乘台鐵: 於竹南火車站下車後,從往頭份方向之新站出站,轉搭火車站前排 


2. 搭乘高鐵:於苗栗高鐵站下車後,前往一樓一號出口搭乘 「高鐵快捷公車 101A





1. 行駛中山高: 經由國道1號至頭份交流道,下交流道後左轉新竹方向(台13線)(下交流道即可見指標),→右轉接台一省道(中華路)→經南海休息站→左轉科東二路→至台灣動物科技研究所→左轉進入科研路→國衛院2號或3號門進入院區,由本院竹南院區2號或3號門警衛換證後通行,將車輛停放於戶外停車格線。


2. 行駛北二高:經由國道3號至香山交流道,下交流道後左轉頭份方向(下交流道即可見指標),直行至科學路左轉,直行即可見右手邊拱型大門,右轉科中路到底即為本院二號門,由本院竹南院區二號門警衛換證後通行,本院行政大樓圓環南側及1.2門沿線備有貴賓訪客停車格。




The 2024 International Conference 

of Taiwan Society of Developmental Biology will open for registration on 7/15, welcome to participate!

***To get the membership discount and other benefits, please become a member or renew your membership before registration. For membership fees, please refer to the official website of TSDB Society*** 


Registration Fees:

TSDB Student member $ 300 NTD,

TSDB Individual (non-student) members $ 800 NTD

Non-members:  $ 2000NTD.


***This year's Taiwan Society of Developmental Biology International Conference 2024 will feature a Biological Imaging Competition! The top three winners will receive cash prizes! We warmly welcome all members to participate enthusiastically and showcase excellent and intriguing biological images.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Please register for this year's conference 
  2. Image specifications (file size < 10Mb, resolution > 300dpi).
  3. File names should be in the format: Biological Image Competition-Author's name (Acceptable formats: TIFF, JPG, PNG).
  4. Please include a brief description in a Word file (Title of the work + within 100 words).
  5. Place documents 3 and 4 into a folder (please name the folder: Biological Image Competition-XXX) and upload it to the society's Google Drive. (It's closed)

Important Notes:

  1. Ensure that the author’s name in all document files, images, and folder matches the registered name. Otherwise, the submission will fail the review process.
  2. The deadline for submission is 15th October (Tuesday)


Accommodation information: (It's closed)

The society can assist in booking a room in 11/15 Fri. at  Grand Royal Hotel. If you need it, please fill out the form.



Transportation information:

The society will send staff to help participants take the high-speed rail express bus between the National Health Research Institutes and Miaoli High-speed Railway Station, and will arrange a shuttle bus to and from Grand Royal Hotel and the National Health Research Institutes. If necessary, please sign up for the shuttle bus through the form.


1. Take the Taiwan Railway:

Get off at Zhunan Railway Station, exit from the new station in the direction of Toufen, and transfer to the front row of the railway station

There is a taxi service to our hospital (the taxi journey takes about 15 minutes and the fare is about NT$300).

2. Take the high-speed rail:

After getting off at Miaoli High-speed Rail Station, go to Exit 1 on the first floor and take "High-speed Rail Express Bus 101A High-speed Rail Miaoli Station-Zhunan Science Park" (Free ride with high-speed rail ticket stub)



mode_edit Submit an Abstract



Call for Abstracts

尺寸 Size:橫式 寬120公分 高90cm (W 120 cm, H 90cm)


海報輸出材質 Material:紙質磅數 120p 以內 (Paper within 120P)

